Light Therapy

Light Meditation : Incorporating Meditation into Your Light Therapy Ritual

It is said that stress is the precursor of all sickness. In a modern and increasingly fast society like ours, stress is responsible for many mental and physical health issues. Being stressed has become the norm, and yet we often waste our free time on things we don't even enjoy that much.

We've all been there. There are multiple factors that can trigger stress, such as family or relationship issues, overwork or daunting event. On top of that, leading a hectic and unbalanced lifestyle doesn't help keep us calm and collected, but it rather intensifies the stress.

Stress is tied to a 36 percent greater risk of developing 41 autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease. We've become our own enemies. While we're rushing and running to get everything done, our bodies are developing serious problems, and we're not even noticing.

Taking fifteen minutes out of your day to focus on yourself, your mind, and your body shouldn't be viewed as a luxury. In the time you spend complaining that it takes time out of your day, you could've paused and done it. So, why not change your narrative and allow yourself a little bit of relief?

So, it’s time to invest in yourself. Light therapy is not only beneficial for our outer beauty but our inner balance as well. It works inward, directly targeting cells and promoting cellular rejuvenation. And there are many ways to use light therapy; from aiding in skincare problems to using our UV light therapy for wound healing.

The type of light therapy depends on your choice; there are a variety of colors that target different issues. Ranging from red and blue to yellow and purple, they all share the same benefit of light working on accelerating our adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the fuel of our cells and a better ATP production equates to a better organism in total.

Light is known to trigger the release of serotonin in our brain. Serotonin is also known as the happy "feel-good" brain chemical. Light therapy is the perfect intervention when feeling down; it's also linked to improving other mental issues.

It helps alleviate stress and is something that can be done at home with our light therapy devices. Not only are you reaping health and beauty benefits, but also you're promoting balanced brain activity. The beauty of doing the treatments yourself is that you get to choose when to do them and on what terms. Pairing your light therapy treatment with meditation could be the way to go.

Why do we mention meditation? Well, its benefits to the body and mind are infinite, and it can also help with your light therapy treatment. There are many different ways to incorporate meditation into your daily routine.

Meditation is, in general, a practice to achieve greater control of the activities of our mind so that it becomes capable of concentrating on a single thought, on a high concept, without overthinking and becoming still, peaceful. Akin to meditation is contemplation, which means letting the mind rest in its natural state. Therefore, it is a practice aimed at self-realization, which can have a religious, spiritual, philosophical purpose, or improve psychophysical conditions.

Pairing your time for light therapy with meditation will only compel your body even more to enter a state most pure to its well-being. Letting the outside world go and only focusing within while your cells truly are being rejuvenated is an incredible process, and a ritual you can incorporate into your daily or weekly self-care regimen.

We so often struggle to find a real escape when we could obtain one right within our homes. Scheduling light therapy-meditation sessions for yourself daily will give you a mindful time to look forward to. You can benefit both physically and mentally in your health, even now when that seems harder to accomplish each day.

At Light Tree Ventures, we’re dedicated to improving the body from the inside out. To help you achieve a balanced life, our MDA-certified and FDA-approved light therapy devices are the perfect at-home treatment.


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